Saturday, November 5, 2011

Internet Time Thief

I bet it ate yours, too. C'mon. Admit it. You fell down that gadget rabbit hole and now, here you are, twenty minutes, an hour, two hours later. It is both so helpful and so damaging. There's so much I learn from Professor Internet and so little I retain from the same. I can remember some very unconnected and some very well-connected bits of learning from magazines, books, and teachers from twenty, twenty-five years ago.  Do you know what I remember from the internet? Not the locations of things I might like to buy someday. Not ways that I would like to decorate (although I just remember to revisit Peak of Chic and Habitually Chic and hope that a passing internet shadow, i.e., a link or a reference to another site, points the way to the rest). Not healthy and delicious vegetable and beef hotdishes I thought sounded good. 

I remember alarming tidbits of information. And there's the vague sense of there's a better way I should be doing everything. I lote the internet. (Love + Hate = lote.)


  1. I'm glad I'm not the only one. Frankly, I use the internet to eat my time at work when I stubbornly don't want to work. Not that that ever happens....

  2. It surely never happened to me, Victoire. Never.

  3. I love this image. It's really beautiful. You should design stationary. I would gobble it up.

  4. Thank you, Johanna! If I could figure out how to have some printed, I would...
